These are all very basic words for years that you will come across often. Notice that the word for year changes depending on the situation.
When counting years using “년”, sino numbers are used. When using “해”, native numbers are used. 년 is most commonly used after years, for example to say 2017, we would add “년” to the end. so it becomes 2017년.
When counting age, it changes again, but we will cover that in a later graphic 🙂
You can find more about periods of time with our cheat sheets over at the Dom & Hyo Store.
Here are the vocabulary words in this infographic:
해/년 (hae/nyeon) = Year
작년 (jak-nyeon) = Last year
재작년 (jae-jak-nyeon) = Year before last
올해/금년 (ol-hae/geum-nyeon) = This year
내년/다음해 (nae-nyeon/da-eum-hae) = Next year
내후년 (nae-hu-nyeon) = In two years
연간 (yeon-gan) = Yearly
연초 (yeon-cho) = Beginning of the year
연말 (yeon-mal) = End of the year
새해 (seo-hae) = New year
그해 (geu-hae) = That year
매년/해마다 (mae-nyeon/hae-ma-da) =Every year