Here are some useful Korean words for when you are at the coffee shop. Notice that most of the vocabulary are just Konglish versions of their name in English so the only thing you have to worry about is getting that Korean sound to it when you speak it (which can be very awkward at first). If you want to study even more and improve your Korean, check out our ebooks over at the Dom & Hyo Store.
Here are the list of words in text form from this graphic:
아메리카노 (a-me-ri-ka-no) = Americano
라떼 (la-dde) = Latte
카푸치노 (ka-pu-chi-no) = Cappuccino
에스프레소 (e-seu-peu-le-so) = Espresso
카페 모카 (ka-pe mo-ka) = Cafe Mocha
마끼아또 (ma-kki-a-ddo) = Macchiato
녹차 (nok-cha) = Green Tea
핫초코 (hat-cho-ko) = Hot Chocolate
뜨거운 (ddeu-geo-un) = Hot
따뜻한 (dda-ddeut-han) = Warm
차가운 (cha-ga-un) = Cold