This is kind of a piggyback off the emoticon infographic as a few people have been asking for another graphic about Korean Slang. Sort of a “Part 2”. The word ‘먹방’ (commonly known as mukbang) has become popular over the last few years, with even an entry to the dictionary as the term has become so popular.
You can check out a more extensive graphic of Korean slang here. The 12 words here are a good start though!
a. 멘붕 = Shot for 멘탈붕괴. A state of mental shock.
b. 개소리 = Literally means “dog sound” and is used when you think a statement is totally wrong.
c. 불금 = Fire or burning Friday! Basically the same as TGIF. Go crazy because it’s the weekend!
d. 시월드 = In-law’s/husband’s family’s world. From the perspective of the wife. Their world engulfs hers.
e. 야매 = A fake/knockoff product usually bought from the black market.
f. 엄친아 = Short for 엄마 친구 아들 and mean’s my mom’s friend’s son. The son is also good at everything.
g. 안물 = Short for 안 물어보다 and basically means “I didn’t ask for your opinion.” It’s not polite.
h. 짱! = Koreans say this when something awesome happens. Can be added to many other words.
i. 먹방 = Literally means an “eating broadcast”. Basically watching someone eat on TV or through the internet.
j. 생축 = Short for 생일 축하 which means Happy birthday.
k. 알바 = Short for 아르바이트 which means a part-time job.
l. 치맥 = Means chicken and beer. It is short for 치킨 + 맥주.