Korean Slang Guide

Korean Slang Guide
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Whether you want to understand basic words in K-pop or K-dramas, impress your Korean friends, or simply deepen your connection to the Korean culture, the Korean Language Starter Pack ensures that you quickly learn and retain the most commonly used Korean words and phrases today. Click here to learn more.

We did a post earlier on Korean slang. It is very short and I’ve always wanted to do something with a little more depth to all the Korean slang out there. This graphic shows the basic meanings of each word and some have a red dot next to it indicating it can be rude or have negative connotations.

You can find many of these used on the internet, in text messages, and in real life. These phrases and words are meant to be used with close friends of yours. There is waaaay more slang out there than this (including phrases that we don’t want to include here hehe) and there are lots of resources and other books on Korean slang that will get you a deeper understanding of the words as well. For now, you can use this post as a quick reference.

Here are a list of the words in the graphic with a bit more explanation on each.

바람둥이 = This is commonly used for a guy who cheats a lot. Basically a playboy. “바람” means “the wind” in Korean so it is alluding to how the wind just goes wherever it feels like.

남사친 = A guy who is just a friend to a woman.  “남” means man, “사” is short for “사람” (person), and “친” is short for “친구”, which means friend. You can also say “여사친” for a woman who is just a friend of a guy.

남친 = Short for “구”  which means boyfriend.

여친 = Short for “구” which means girlfriend.

덕후 = Someone who is obsessive about a particular interest or subject. Similar to otaku in Japan. This is considered rude if you use it to someone who isn’t close to you.

음란마귀 = You can use this for a person that is always injecting dirty thoughts into regular conversations.

변태 = Pervert.

얼짱 = Combination of 얼글 which means face, and 짱, which means great or amazing. So this means someone with a very attractive face.

사랑꾼 = Person who is full of love

훈남 = A guy that is both attractive and warm hearted. Comes from훈하다. Add in 자, and you get this slang word.

뇌섹남 = Attractive guy who is also smart. Takes syllables from the words (brain), 시하다 (to be sexy), and 자 to make one word.

왕따 = An outcast. A person who gets bullied a lot and has no friends. Often a mean word used to certain kids at school.

엄친아/엄친딸 = The son or daughter who is good at everything. Comes from 구의 들 which means my mom’s friend’s son.구의 means my mom’s friend’s daughter.

베이글녀 = A cute but sexy girl, often with a baby face. Combines the words baby (베이) , glamour (래머) and female ()

모쏠 = Someone who has never been in a relationship. Short for 태 솔로

놈 = Man or person. Has negative connotations and should only be used with close friends. Frequently attached to other words to make curse words.

선수 = Player. Not like an athlete, but someone who dates and plays the field too much at the expense of other’s feelings.

셀렙 = Short for celebrity in Konglish.

금사빠 = Someone who easily falls in love. Comes from 랑에 지는 사람.

얼빠 = Person who really likes good looking people and is easily taken by them. This word comes from 굴에 지다.

붕어빵 = Two people that look or act the same.

된장남/된장녀 = Superficial person who lives beyond their means.  남 is the male version and 녀 is the female version. Has negative connotations so be careful how you use it.

그린라이트 = When your crush is showing active interest in you and you have the “green light” to pursue. This is “Green Light” written in Konglish.



Random Things:

반사 = Takes one to know one/Right back at you. You can use this as a way of “throwing back” an insult at someone.

만렙 = Level 10,000. It means that someone is really good at something. Combines 만 (10,000) and 레벨 (level).

셀카 =






포스 있다



리즈 =

불금 = Fire Friday. Combines (fire) and Friday (요일).  Basically the equivalent of TGIF.

고퀄 = Good quality. Can refer to products from the store and comes from 고 which means high, and 리티 which is konglish for quality.

댓츠노노 = That’s a no no. Konglish phrase that you can use when you disagree with something or someone.

언플 = Media manipulation. Comes from the prhase 레이 which means media play. This word describes how the media can twist things to make someone or something more popular or put in a favorable light.

짤 = New slang word for photo.

Food Related:

맛점 = Delicious lunch. Short for 있는 심.

아점 = Brunch. A combination of 침 (morning/breakfast) and 심 (lunch)

치맥 = Chicken and beer. A combination of 킨 (chicken) and 주 (beer)

피맥 = Pizza and beer. A combination of 자 (pizza) and 주 (beer)

소맥 = Soju mixed with beer. A combination of 소주 (Soju) and 맥주 (beer)

소콜 = Soju and cola mixed together. Take the first syllables of 주 and 라 and combine them.

폭탄주 = A bomb cocktail. 폭탄 means bomb and it is combined with 주 which is a terms for some types of alcohol.

먹방 = An eating broadcast. 어 means to eat, and 송, means broadcast. Take the first syllables of each word, and you get 먹방.

일차 = The first round. On a night out with friends, “rounds” are counted. First round is usual dinner and drinks.

이차 = Second round is usually a bar or lounge where more drinks are poured.

삼차 = The third round typically involves more drinking in addition to the noraebang.

회식 = Short for company dinner. 사 means company, and 사 means meal. Combine the first syllables of each word, and you get 회식!

맥날 = Short for Mc Donald’s.

스벅 = Short for Starbucks.


헐 = What/OMG/What the

헉! = OMG

아싸! = Yes!/Yay!/Hooray!

대박! = Awesome!

엄마야! = OMG/Oops!

우와 = Wow

참! = By the way

아이씨 = Ah crap/Oh no/Cmon

아이고! = Oops!/Ohh!

아! = Ouch!/By the way

어? = Huh?

네? = Yes?

진짜? = Really?/Forreal?/Seriously?

그래요? = Is that so?

정말? = Really?

짱! = Awesome!/Cool!

어머나! = OMG!


ㅋㅋㅋ = The most common form used to express laughter. Sounds like kekeke.

키키 = Similar to the one above and is also used frequently.

ㅍㅎㅎ = Copy of how many people say puahaha in English.

푸하하 = The full form of the one described above

ㅎㅎㅎ = Short for 하하하 (hahaha)

혜혜혜 = Short for hehehe


ㅂㅂ = Bye bye

ㅈㅈ = Good game. Short for 지지 which sounds like gg.

ㄱㄱ = Go go

ㅅㅅ = Nice play. Used often when people play games online

ㄴㄴ = No no

ㅇㅇ = short for 응 응 which means okay I understand/ I got it

ㅗㅗ = F*ck you (looks like two middle fingers)

ㄷㄷ = Trembling. Comes from 덜덜.

ㅊㅊ = Short for congrats. Congrats is 축하해요. ㅊㅊ is like saying 축축.

ㅇㅋ = Okay. Comes from the Konglish version of okay (오케이)

ㄷㅊ = Short for 닥쳐. Is very rude and you would rarely use this. Most people use this when they are really upset and arguing with someone in the heat of the moment.

ㅊㅋ = Another abbreviation for 축하해요 which means congratulations

ㄱㅅ = Short for 감사합니다 which means thank you.

샘 = Short for 선샘님.Take the first letter of the first syllable, the second letter of the second syllable, and the third letter of the last syllable and combines them together to make a new word.

방아 = Short for the casual form of nice to meet you which is 방아워요

ㅎㅇ = Short for the Koreanized version of hi (하이)

짐 = Short for 지금 which means now.

어케 = Short for 어떻게 which means how.

ㅅㄱ = Short for 수고하세요 which means good job or keep going!

ㅠㅠ/ㅜㅜ = Crying

^^ = Happy

^_~ = Winking

-_- = Serious

~_~ = Bored

@_@ = Confused

OTL = Disappointment. The OTL looks like a person on their knees with their head down.

=_= = Sleepy

^3^ = Kissing

-_-a = Scratching head

^^; = Sweating

+_+ = Surprised

>.<  = Embarrassed

0ㅠ0 = Vomiting

*^^* = Blushing


꿀잼 = Something that is extremely funny or interesting.  꿀 means honey, and 잼 is short for 재밌어요 which means fun or interesting. Literally “honey jam”.

노잼 = Opposite of 꿀잼. Means that something is not funny or interesting.

솔까말 = To speak frankly or honestly about something. 솔 comes from 직히. 까 and 말 come from까놓고 말하다

더럽게 = Really/Badly

극혐 = Extreme disgust with something or someone. This word comes from 한 (limit)  and  

깜놀 = To be really surprised. This comes from 라다 and is used pretty frequently.

안물 = I didn’t ask you. This is a really rude way of saying you didn’t ask for an opinion and comes from 안몰라봤어요.

안습 = Watery eyes. This is used to describe what happens if you’re in an embarrassing situation. Comes from 구에 기차다 which roughly translates to the eyeballs become wet and damp.

근자감 = Extreme self confidence or self esteem with no reason for it. This word comes from 거 없는 which means to have self esteem based on nothing or just because.

케미 = Chemistry. This describes that electric feeling between two people who get along well and something romantic could blossom. This is basically the short form of Chemistry in Konglish.

웃프다 = Funny but sad. A combination of 다 (funny) and 슬프다 (sad)

멘봉 = A mental breakdown. Short for 멘탈분괴.

행쇼 = Let’s be happy. Cheer someone up with this phrase after a hard time. Comes from 행복하십시오.

Whether you want to understand basic words in K-pop or K-dramas, impress your Korean friends, or simply deepen your connection to the Korean culture, the Korean Language Starter Pack ensures that you quickly learn and retain the most commonly used Korean words and phrases today. Click here to learn more.