Episode #18: 무울…Moool

This is one thing that can be frustrating for people trying to learn Korean (or any language for that matter). Just a simple difference in pronunciation will leave you facing dumbfounded looks from people in restaurants, taxi drivers, etc. It can be frustrating, but you get better with it as time goes on. Pronouncing “물” … Read more

Episode #17: 호떡

호떡 (ho-ddeok) is one of my favorite Korean foods. It is especially popular in the wintertime, but can be eaten at all times of the year. It is basically a pancake with a sweet brown sugar filling inside. Hyo knew I liked it, so we decided to make it at home one day. As the … Read more

Episode #16: Nicknames

Translation Credit: Hyo 🙂 So yes, these are just some of the nicknames she comes up with. The turtle one comes up often because I often seem to make a face that resembles a turtles. Most of the other ones either have something to do with my round head, or something on my face. Turtle … Read more

Out in Incheon: Chinatown and Freedom Park

So yesterday was Sunday and it was a pretty nice day. Sun was shining, a little warmth in the air…you could feel the tinges of spring. Then evening came, and reality set back in that it’s still not quite spring time warmth yet. Anyways, we had a nice day out in Incheon. I proposed that … Read more