Hyo absolutely hates peanut butter. She really can’t even stand the smell of it lol. This is one thing that is interesting when dating someone from another culture. You can both try different foods and there will always be food that you like or dislike from the other person’s culture. It’s always interesting how one food that is a staple of your country’s culture will be completely disliked. Everyone has different tastes, and that’s fine.
Naturally, I like Reese’s, and I found that most Koreans I have come across, do not like peanut butter. I think it is one reason why Reese’s Cups can only be found at the Foreign Food store here while Snickers, Twix, Hershey’s, and M & M’s can be found in pretty much every convenience store. So frustrating so when we went to the states this winter, I bought like 10 Reese’s XL bars (can’t even find those in the Foreign Food Store), and a big bag of Reese’s that were much cheaper. I was happy for about two weeks.
Anyways, I hope maybe one day Hyo doesn’t hate PB so much :p