Cleaning Vocabulary in Korean

List of words in this infographic: 세탁기 (se-tak-gi) = washing machine 대걸레 (dae-geol-le) = mop 쓰레기통 (sseu-re-gi-tong) = trash can 비누 (bi-nu) = soap 쓰레기받기 (sseu-re-gi-bad-gi) = dustpan 먼지떨이 (meon-ji-tteol-i) = duster 솔 (sol) = cleaning brush 빗자루 (bit-ja-ru) = broom 스펀지 (seu-peon-ji) = sponge

Hospital Vocabulary in Korean

Hospital vocabulary in Korean

List of words in this infographic: 병원 (byeong-weon) = hospital 의사 (ui-sa) = doctor 간호사 (gan-ho-sa) = nurse 주사 (ju-sa) = shot 약 (yak) = medicine 환자 (hwan-ja) = patient 구급차 (gu-geup-cha) = ambulance 혈액 검사 (hyeol-aek geom-sa) = blood test 엑스레이 (ek-seu-re-i) = x-ray

있다 – Verb Meaning in English & Conjugation Chart

있다 - Verb Meaning in English & Conjugation

The verb 있다 (pronounced eet-dda), is one of the first and most basic verbs you can and should learn when starting to learn Korean. It is a very versatile verb that you will hear often, and it is combined with a lot of other grammar patterns in Korean. The opposite of this verb is 없다. … Read more

Basic Adverbs in Korean

Words in this infographic: 없이 (eop-shi) = without 많이 (man-i) = many 조금 (jo-geum) = a little, a few 함께 (ham-kke) = together 혼자 (hon-ja) = alone 보통 (bo-tong) = usually 자주 (ja-ju) = often, frequently 일찍  (il-jjik) = early 빨리 (bbal-li) = quickly

Possessions in Korean

List of vocabulary in this graphic: 열쇠 = key(s) 수첩 = daily planner 서류 = documents 빗 = comb 지갑 = wallet 고울 = mirror 화장품 = makeup 신문 = newspaper 헤드폰 = headphones

How to Say Puppy in Korean – Cute Puppies in Korean!

How to Say Puppy in Korean

It’s been really interesting seeing how dog ownership has increased in Korea over the last decade or so. In the past, dog ownership wasn’t as prevalent as it is now, and even when people did own a dog, they were mostly used as guard dogs and/or kept outside and not in the house. However you … Read more

Weather-Related Temperature Words in Korean

Here are some vocabulary words related to the temperature of the weather in Korean. We’ve got a cold snap going on here in Korea right now, so I thought this was a timely infographic for you guys. Enjoy! By the way, if you don’t know how to say ‘cold’ in Korean, check out this post. … Read more

How to Say ‘My Name is’ in Korean – Introducing Yourself

Introducing yourself is a big part of any language or culture. It’s polite and how else would people know who you are?! I’m notorious for forgetting names, but with Korean, I remember them easily for some reason. So how would you introduce yourself in Korean? There are several ways of introducing yourself which we will … Read more

Daebak Meaning – What does Daebak Mean?

Korean slang can be fun to learn. Actually, learning the slang words of any language can be fun because you get an insight into how languages are constantly evolving with new words and meanings. It can also make you a little knowledgeable and “hip” if you know a lot of them. One of the most … Read more