Welcome to Dom & Hyo!
We’ve made this website to teach anyone learning basic Korean words and phrases in a fun and interesting way (for free). We’ve found that many people learn quicker and easier with images and graphics so we’ve decided to focus on teaching you common and easy Korean vocabulary words that can help you get a good foundation with building your word database in Korean.
We do grammar here and there, but feel like we are best suited to teaching simple and common words for beginners.
We initially started this site as a fun way to share funny things about our relationship through comics, but more and more people found our Korean graphics helpful and have shared them many times over the internet. So we decided to focus more on that, while at the same time still bringing you comics about us, Korean language, and culture.
If you would like to start by browsing through all of our graphics, click here.
In addition to our free graphics that you can find on this site, we have also made PDFs for sale at our store featuring flashcards, word lists, and cheat sheets (with Korean and English translation) if you would like to supplement your vocabulary knowledge studies.
And we have more Korean PDFs and ebooks on the way.
Also, you can find posters and t-shirts related to Korea at our store.
Want to know more about us? Go to About us.