Hangul Alphabet Pronunciation Chart (Consonants)

Pronouncing the Hangul Alphabet (Consonants)
Hangul Alphabet Pronunciation Chart (Consonants)

Here is a Hangul Alphabet Chart that will help you learn the pronunciation of the consonants.

Many people learning Korean know how to pronounce vowels of the Hangul alphabet because they sound just like they are written. However, knowing how to pronounce consonants is less well known. Hopefully, this helps you all out with some of the basics. We’ve also written them below with the English romanization.

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Last Week, This Week, Next Week in Korean and More

weeks in korean

Just like in English and other languages, you should know how to describe weeks by saying things like this week, last week, and so on. You will hear these frequently spoken in Korean so knowing these will help your vocabulary a lot. We’ve also written the words below. If you want to study even more and improve your Korean, check out our ebooks over at the Dom & Hyo Store.

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How to Count or Say Number of Days in Korean

Knowing how to count days in Korean may seem difficult at first, but if you practice and study, you will be able to remember these words easily. You may have found yourself wanting to know how to count one day, two days, or three days in Korean and never knew how but w hope this graphic can help!

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Vocabulary: Hair Colors (Natural) in Korean

hair styles in korean

Here are the natural hair colors in Korean. We may do another one on other colors, but it’s pretty simple. You just add whatever color the hair is and attach “머리” (usually). We have written the vocabulary below as well. Enjoy! If you want to study even more and improve your Korean, check out our ebooks … Read more

Vocabulary: Pronouns “I, Me, My, & Mine” in Korean

Koreans Pronouns are really good to know when you are just starting to learn the language as they are easy to remember and apply in everyday conversations. They can be hard to explain though and different forms are used depending on things like hierarchy and age. We will eventually do a graphic/post that goes more … Read more

Korean Vocabulary: Question Words

These are the common question words you will hear on a daily basis in Korean conversation. These Korean words are easy to remember as they are short in nature. If you want to study even more and improve your Korean, check out our ebooks over at the Dom & Hyo Store. 왜 (wae) = Why 어디 … Read more