If you ever come to South Korea to live for an extended period of time, you’ll need a bank account. You’ll also need to interact with the bank workers for help with your deposits, security, and other transactions on occasion. This is a part 1 for this series. These words will be useful to you!
Here are the words and some example sentences for each:
Paul은 은행원이다. (Pauleun eun-haeng-wo-ni-da) = Paul is a bank teller/worker.
은행원이세요? (eun-haeng-wo-ni-se-yo) = Are you a bank teller?
나는 은행 계좌가 없다. (na-neun eun-haeng gye-jwa-ga eop-tta) = I don’t have a bank account.
어디서 은행 계좌를 개설할 수 있나요? (eo-di-seo eun-haeng gye-jwa-reul kkae-seol-hal ssu in-na-yo) = Where can I open a bank account?
계좌번호 알고 계세요? (gye-jwa-beon-ho al-kko gye-se-yo) = Do you know the account number?
계좌번호는 여기 있어요. (gye-jwa beon-ho-neun yeo-gi i-sseo-yo) = Here is my account number.
수표로 500만 월을 받았다. (su-pyo-ro 500man wo-reul ppa-dat-tta) = I received a 5,000 thousand dollar check.
이 수표를 현금으로 바꿔주세요. (i su-pyo-reul hyeon-geu-meu-ro ba-kkwo-ju-se-yo) = Please cash this check.
ATM이 내 체크카드를 먹었어요. (ATM nae che-keu-ka-deu-reul meo-geo-sseo-yo)
난 체크카드가 없어요. (nan che-keu-ka-deu-ga eop-sseo-yo) = I don’t have a check card.
이 은행에 예금 하고 싶어요. (i eun-haeng-e ye-geum ha-go si-peo-yo) = I’d like to deposit money into this bank.
난 예금할 돈이 필요하다. (nan ye-geum-hal tto-ni pi-ryo-ha-da) = I needed the money for a deposit.
나는 현금을 좀 인출해야 한다. (na-neun hyeon-geu-meul jjom in-chul-hae-ya han-da) = I have to withdraw some money.
그는 은행에서 돈을 인출했다. (geu-neun eun-haeng-e-seo do-neul in-chul-haet-tta) = He withdrew money from the bank.
많은 돈을 투자 하고 있어요. (ma-neun do-neul tu-ja ha-go i-sseo-yo) = I’m investing a lot of money.
그것은 좋은 투자인 것 같다. (geu-geo-seun jo-eun tu-ja-in geot kkat-tta) = It looks like a sound investment.
나는 대출을 신청했다. (na-neun dae-chu-reul ssin-cheong-haet-tta) = I asked for a loan.
그는 대출을 받아서 차를 샀다. (geu-neun dae-chu-reul ppa-da-seo cha-reul ssat-tta) = He took out a loan and bought a van.