Whether you want to understand basic words in K-pop or K-dramas, impress your Korean friends, or simply deepen your connection to the Korean culture, the Korean Language Starter Pack ensures that you quickly learn and retain the most commonly used Korean words and phrases today. Click here to learn more.
Vocabulary in this infographic:
우주 (u-ju) = Universe, Space
별 (byeol) = Star
우주비행사 (u-ju-bi-haeng-sa) = Astronaut
위성 (wi-seong) = Satellite
별자리 (byeol-ja-ri) = Constellation
은하 (eun-ha) = Galaxy
행성 (haeng-seong) = Planet
우주선 (u-ju-seon) = Spaceship
외계인 (we-gye-in) = Alien
Whether you want to understand basic words in K-pop or K-dramas, impress your Korean friends, or simply deepen your connection to the Korean culture, the Korean Language Starter Pack ensures that you quickly learn and retain the most commonly used Korean words and phrases today. Click here to learn more.