Nature Words in Korean

Nature Words in Korean

Whether you want to understand basic words in K-pop or K-dramas, impress your Korean friends, or simply deepen your connection to the Korean culture, the Korean Language Starter Pack ensures that you quickly learn and retain the most commonly used Korean words and phrases today. Click here to learn more.

Hey all sorry for the long absence! Still dealing with some sleeping problems that are affecting my day to day life and productivity. Hopefully I can get it all figured out very soon.

Today, we are showing you some common words for nature in Korean. We may do a part 2 for this depending on how well this one is received. I’m sure you’ve at least three of these before.

Words in this infographic:

강 (gang) = river

호수 (ho-su) = lake

산 (san) = mountain

숲 (sup) = forest

사막 (sa-mak) = desert

바다 (ba-da) = sea

하늘 (ha-neul) = sky

섬 (seom) = island

언덕 (eondeok) = hill

Whether you want to understand basic words in K-pop or K-dramas, impress your Korean friends, or simply deepen your connection to the Korean culture, the Korean Language Starter Pack ensures that you quickly learn and retain the most commonly used Korean words and phrases today. Click here to learn more.