Colors in Korean

Whether you want to understand basic words in K-pop or K-dramas, impress your Korean friends, or simply deepen your connection to the Korean culture, the Korean Language Starter Pack ensures that you quickly learn and retain the most commonly used Korean words and phrases today. Click here to learn more.

Learning the Korean colors should be one of several things you learn once you start studying Korean. It will help you a lot when you are trying to describe certain things or hear someone else describing something. The basic colors (for instance just the ones on the rainbow) are easy to learn, but there is another level to the colors in which it can get a little confusing (we may cover those laters).

For now, let’s stick to the basics.

Basic colors:

빨간색 (bbal-gan-saek) = Red

초록색/녹색 (cho-rok-saek) = Green

파란색 (pa-ran-saek) = Blue

노란색 (no-ran-saek) = Yellow

보라색 (bo-ra-saek) = Purple

주황색/오렌지색 (ju-hwang-saek) = Orange

검정색/검은색/까만색 (geom-jeong-saek) = Black

분홍색 (bun-hong-saek) = Pink

회색 (hweh-saek) = gray

하얀색/흰색 (ha-yan-saek) = White

갈색 (gal-saek) = Brown

남색 (nam-saek) = Navy

At the very least, you should know the above. We’ve also added other names that are also used for some of the colors as well. Some of these have variations just like English (dark blue, dark brown, etc.)

Here are some of the other colors:

적갈색 (jeok-gal-saek) = Maroon

연두색 (yeon-du-saek) = Light green

하늘색 (ha-neul-saek) = Sky blue

연노란색 (yeon-no-ran-saek) = Light yellow

연보라색 (yeon-bo-ra-saek) = Light purple

베이지색 (be-i-ji-saek) = Beige

청록색 (cheong-nok-saek) = Turquoise

진분홍색 (jin-bun-hong-saek) = Dark pink

금색 (geum-saek) = Gold

은색 (eun-saek) = Silver

아이보리색 (a-i-bo-ri-saek) = Ivory

밝은 회색 (bal-geun hweh-saek) = Light gray

Meaning of Certain Colors in Korean

Some Koreans ascribe certain meanings to certain colors. For example, green can be considered lucky, black usually symbolizes death, white is for purity and goodness, and red can mean passion (but don’t write names in red! It’s a superstition that this means you will die soon)

On the Korean flag (taeguki), the red and blue are positive (Red) and negative (Blue) forces. White (which has always been an important color throughout Korean history) represents purity and peace.

Happy studying!

You can review and practice these words more with our printable PDF worksheets for beginners here.

Whether you want to understand basic words in K-pop or K-dramas, impress your Korean friends, or simply deepen your connection to the Korean culture, the Korean Language Starter Pack ensures that you quickly learn and retain the most commonly used Korean words and phrases today. Click here to learn more.