![How to Count or Say Number of Days in Korean](https://domandhyo.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Counting-Days.webp)
Knowing how to count days in Korean may seem difficult at first, but if you practice and study, you will be able to remember these words easily. You may have found yourself wanting to know how to count one day, two days, or three days in Korean and never knew how but w hope this graphic can help!
For “하루” you may be very familiar with this one as it is used a lot with “종일”.
하루종일 means all day long and you can hear this a lot in song lyrics. The others are probably more unfamiliar to you (even I didn’t know most of these).
Use our helpful graphic above and we have written them below. If you want to study even more and improve your Korean, check out our ebooks over at the Dom & Hyo Store.
하루 (ha-ru) = One day
이틀 (i-teul) = Two days
사흘 (sa-heul) = Three days
나흘 (na-heul) = Four days
닷새 (dat-sae) = Five days
엿새 (yeot-sae) = Six days
이레 (i-re) = Seven days
여드레 (yeo-deu-re) = Eight days
아흐레 (a-heu-re) = Nine days
열흘 (yeol-heul) = Ten days