So here are a few words to describe personality and character in Korean. These are used very often to describe certain traits and personalities of a person. For instance, 똑똑한 (smart in Korean) is commonly used and you will hear it a lot in dramas. Which one best describes you?
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똑똑한 (ddok-ddok-han) = Smart
후한 (hu-han) = Generous (with money or food)
낙천적인 (nak-cheon-jeok-in) = Optimistic
비관적인 (bi-gwan-jeok-in) = Pessimistic
무례한 (mu-rye-han) = Rude
친절한 (chin-jeol-han) = Kind
친절하지 않은 (chin-jeol-ha-ji an-eun) = Unfriendly
정직한 (jeong-jik-han) = Honest
다혈질인 (da-hyeol-jil-in) = Hot tempered
이기적인 (i-gi-jeok-in) = Selfish
성실한 (seong-shil-han) = Hardoworking
게으른 (ge-eu-reun) = Lazy