Carrying purses is one of those things that is quite common in Korea. You will see quite a few Korean men carrying their girlfriend’s purse down the street. Me? Nada.
Oh sure, I have no problem holding it while Hyo needs to go do something while I wait for her for a few minutes, or if we’ve been out all day and her purse really is heavy (especially since I may ask her to put some of my stuff in there lol), then I’ll help carry it the rest of the way home. But carrying it all day? She usually doesn’t carry around a huge purse all the time anyways.
Actually this has never been a big issue for us and it’s basically a running joke where she will act like she’s really tired in order to see if I will offer to carry it. Sometimes I’ll take it jokingly and she’ll take it right back saying “No just kidding :p”…other times I’ll joke around like in the above cartoon.
Anyways, now that I think about it, I’m actually not seeing this in Korea quite as often as I was when I first arrived….maybe it’s changing?